The list below includes the largest, most popular repositories of open educational resources. Open Educational Resource repositories listed here cover a wide variety of educational disciplines. All of the content featured within these pages is free to use, but usage rights vary. Most content found within these pages is released under a Creative Commons license. More information about Creative Commons licensing can be found at the Creative Commons web site.
This guide is continuously updated. Do you know about OER not listed in these pages? We would love to hear about it! Submit suggestions to
The Open Textbook movement focuses on the creation of books that are built specifically for use as free or low-cost options for education. Many of the collections will have links to the same books, but each repository has a particular focus, and items you can't find in other collections. This is not a complete list, but will be updated periodically.
The Open Textbook movement focuses on the creation of books that are built specifically for use as free or low-cost options for education. Many of the collections will have links to the same books, but each repository has a particular focus, and items you can't find in other collections. This is not a complete list, but will be updated periodically.
Collections of images that are either openly accessible or searchable by open license.
Using Google to Search for OER
The Mason OER Metafinder allows you to simultaneously search across the multiple OER repositories (e.g., MERLOT II,, OER Commons, OpenStax CNX, etc.) as well as OER material at sites like HathiTrust, DPLA, the Internet Archive, and Project Gutenberg.
The Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from over 80 different sources and contains more than 300,00 records. OASIS is being developed at SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library.