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Find Info Outside of SCAD Libraries

We recommend using the public and university libraries available in your area.  A book available at SCAD might also be more available (and more accessible) at one of your local libraries.

Public universities are often open to students from other universities with a valid college ID and public libraries can provide a wealth of materials and assist with research


Use to search thousands of library collections at once (including SCAD). Use this to check if other libraries near you have the materials you need.

Set up a free personal Worldcat account to save your favorite libraries, create reading lists, and more; or start searching in the database below.

Google Books

Use Google Books to 'deep search' the content of millions of books. Skim tables of contents, bibliographies, indexes, and get a sneak peek of many titles. Select books are also be available for free, full-text download.

TIP: When viewing a book's info  - click the "find in a library" or "get print version" link in the left hand column to see if it's available at SCAD, or at a library near you!

Google Book Search

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides searchable access to a wide array of research books, articles, and reports, from sources such as publishers websites, databases, and academic repositories. Patents and legal info can be found here as well.

Scholar is a great tool to see what's broadly "out there" - but not all of these materials will be available for immediate download. Some may be free online, others available at SCAD, and others available via inter-library loan or other sharing services. Ask A Librarian if you need a hand tracking down the full text!

Google Scholar Search

Ebooks & Other Sources Outside of SCAD