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Faculty Resources & Services

Explore academic resources and services for faculty that support teaching, research and classroom success


This guide is an introduction to the library and our services for SCAD Faculty. You may navigate the guide using the tabs at the top. We hope that this will answer any questions about how Faculty can use the library to support their courses as well as for their own research needs.

Collections and Services Overview

SCAD Libraries provides access to many online and print materials that support the college's curriculum and cover a wide array of subjects.

The Libraries' extensive holdings include:

  • books
  • periodicals
  • videos
  • research and image databases
  • ebooks
  • archives
  • rare books
  • artist's books
  • student theses

Services to faculty include:

  • library instruction
  • one on one research consultations
  • request for purchase
  • course reserves
  • interlibrary loan
  • digitization services

Quick Tips to Improve Student Research

1. Encourage students to consult with a librarian.

2. Direct students towards a variety of library resources including print, electronic, and multimedia.

3. Suggest specific databases or other library resources by name to students.

4. Discuss academic honesty and what constitutes plagiarism, as well as the consequences.

5. Review criteria for evaluating sources.

6. Define research.

7. Request a research guide or a class visit from your librarian.

8. Break the research assignment into manageable parts.

9. Explain how research will be evaluated.

10. Collaborate with a librarian to design a research assignment that employs critical thinking.