Global business database containing company profiles; current news; industry analysis; financial and technology reports; and market and consumer reports.
D&B Hoovers leverages 120 million business records to provide real time predictive indicators, news alerts, industry analysis, and extensive market research reports. D&B Hoovers covers over 129 million companies from more than 190 countries. For help using D&B Hoovers, search SCAD Libraries' FAQ, or use the chat feature to contact library staff.
Database focused on sales intelligence and prospecting in various advertising and creative markets.
Winmo contains contact information, advertising budgets, market performance, and sales predictions for thousands of companies and brands. Also included are creative ads and case studies from around the world.
Business directory containing detailed company and financial information for U.S. and global businesses as well as job postings.
Data Axle, formerly Reference USA, consists of two databases covering business information and career resources. U.S. Businessess provides financial information and contacts for millions of businesses operating in the United States. U.S. Jobs lists current job and internship postings as well as career tools, including resume writing tips, cover letter examples, interview tips, salary estimates, and more.
Business directory containing detailed company and financial information for U.S. and global businesses as well as job postings.
Data Axle, formerly Reference USA, consists of two databases covering business information and career resources. U.S. Businessess provides financial information and contacts for millions of businesses operating in the United States. U.S. Jobs lists current job and internship postings as well as career tools, including resume writing tips, cover letter examples, interview tips, salary estimates, and more.
"Designer Hangout is a dedicated, invite-only network of UX designers and researchers who discuss trends, give advice, share stories, uncover insights, surface opportunities, and connect in-person. As a UX practitioner, Designer Hangout is your "secret weapon" to progressing your career and accomplishing your life goals. Together, we’re creating the World's most reliable brain trust for UX designers in a fast-paced age."
"Mixed Methods is a community interested in the hows and whys of user experience research. Through interviews with industry experts and hands-on trial and error, we indulge and celebrate curiosity. Expect to test assumptions, examine methods, and engage in some old fashion experiments."
"The Service Design Network (SDN), founded in 2004, is the leading non-profit institution for expertise in service design and a driver of global growth, development and innovation within the practice."
"User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) International supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience (UX) of products and services."