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Architectural History & Preservation Design
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SCAD Libraries Periodicals: Architectural History & Preservation Design
A list of print and electronic subscriptions available through SCAD Libraries
Animation, Illustration & Sequential Art
Architectural History & Preservation Design
Architecture & Urban Design
Art History
Cinema, Film & Television
Creative Business Leadership
Equestrian Studies
Fashion, Accessories, Beauty & Fragrance, & Luxury
Graphic Design
Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
Interior Design
Motion Media, Interactive & Gaming
Performing Arts, Production Design & Themed Entertainment
Visual Effects
Intellect Full eJournal Collection
Get Started with Some Popular Titles
Atomic Ranch (o/d)
Georgia Backroads (p)
Old-House Journal (o/d)
Old Mill News (p)
Preservation (p)
Get Started with Some Scholarly Journals
APT Bulletin (o/d)
Historic Environment (o/d w/ one-year embargo)
International Journal of Architectural Heritage (o)
Journal of Architectural Conservation (o)
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (o)
Preservation Education & Research (o/d)
Studies in Conservation (o)
Non-Current Relevant Resources
American Builder (1917-1930) (p)
American Builder (1948-1969) (p)
American Builder and Building Age (1930-1948) (p)
American Bungalow (p)
American Civic Annual (p)
American Heritage of Invention & Technology (p)
The American Home (p)
American Planning and Civic Annual (p)
American Preservation (p)
Americana (p)
Antiques (1952-1971) (p)
Antiquity (p)
The Archaeological Journal (p)
The Architect (Forbes) (o/d)
Architectura (p)
Architectural Forum (o/d)
Arts & Architecture (o/d)
Arts & Crafts Homes and the Revival (o/d)
Better Homes and Gardens (microfilm)
Blueprints / National Building Museum (p)
Brown's Guide to Georgia (p)
Building Review (o/d)
Burger Boy (p)
C20: The Magazine of the Twentieth Century Society (p)
California Arts & Architecture (microfilm)
Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association (p)
Classic American Homes (p)
Coastlines Georgia (p)
Colonial Homes (p)
Concrete Age (p)
Connecticut Preservation News (o/d)
The Conservator (o/d)
CRM [Bulletin / Journal] (o/d)
CTA Bulletin (Cinema Theatre Assoc.) (p)
Early American Homes (p)
Early American Life (1970) (p)
Early American Life (2001) (p)
Echoes Magazine (p)
Fabrications (p)
Forum Journal (p)
Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly (p)
Future Anterior (p)
Georgia History Today (o/d)
Georgia Journal (p)
Georgia Life (p)
Georgia Magazine (p)
The Georgian Group Journal (o/d)
Good Housekeeping (1885-1909) (microfilm)
Good Housekeeping Magazine (1909-1916) (microfilm)
Greasy Spoon (p)
Historic Preservation (p)
Historic Preservation (microfilm)
Home Cultures (o)
Home Cultures (p)
House & Garden (1901) (p)
House & Garden (1998) (p)
House & Home (o/d)
Housewives League Magazine (p)
Housewives Magazine (p)
The Illuminating Engineer (p)
International Journal of Cultural Property (o)
Islander of Hilton Head Island (p)
Journal of Field Archaeology (o/d)
Journal of Material Culture (o)
Journal of the Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society (p)
Journal of Urban Technology (o)
Ladies Home Journal (1889-2005) (microfilm)
Ladies Home Journal and Practical Housekeeper (1883-1889) (microfilm)
Landscape (p)
Light and Lighting (p)
Lighting and Lamps (p)
Lighting Fixtures and Lighting (p)
Marquee (o/d)
McCall's (microfilm)
The Modernism Magazine (p)
Le Moniteur des Architectes (p)
MyLiveableCity (p)
News letter / The Twentieth Century Society (p)
Newsletter / William Morris Society (p)
Newsletter / Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (o/d)
Newsletter / the Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States (p)
Old-House Interiors (o/d)
Pacific Coast Architect (1911) (o/d)
Pacific Coast Architect (1924) (o/d)
Park and Cemetery and Landscape Gardening (p)
Pencil Points (o/d)
Picture House (p)
Pioneer America (p)
Popular Mechanics (1902-1913) (microfilm)
Popular Mechanics Magazine (1913-1959) (microfilm)
Prairie School Review (o/d)
Preservation News (p)
Preservation Progress (p)
Progressive Architecture (o/d)
Prospects: An Annual of American Cultural Studies (p)
The Shaker Messenger (p)
Small Town (p)
South Carolina Historical Magazine (o/d)
Stained Glass Quarterly (p)
Studies in the Decorative Arts (o/d)
Style 1900 (p)
Technology and Culture (o/d)
This Old House (p)
THS News (o/d) (Theatre Historical Society of America)
Transactions: Association for Studies in Conservation of Historical Buildings (o/d)
Twentieth Century Architecture (p)
Vernacular Architecture (p)
Victorian Homes (p)
Wood Preserving News (p)
Current Relevant Resources
o = online/eJournal // p = print // o/d = print also online via database
AHRnet Biographical Dictionary of British and Irish Architects 1800-1950 (o)
American Heritage (o/d)
American History (o/d)
American Painting Contractor (o/d)
American School & University (o/d w/ 3-month embargo)
Antiquity (o)
APT Bulletin (o/d)
APT Communique (p)
Architectural Histories (o)
Architectural History (o)
Architectural History (p)
Architectural Record (o/d)
Arris: Journal of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (o)
Arris: Journal of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (p)
Art, Antiquity and Law (o/d)
Atomic Ranch (o/d)
Better Homes and Gardens (p)
Building Technology Heritage Library (o)
Buildings and Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum (o/d)
Change Over Time (o/d)
The Classicist (p)
Clem Labine's Period Homes [shelved as: Period Homes] (o/d)
Clem Labine’s Traditional Building [shelved as: Traditional Building] (o/d)
Common Bond (o-a)
Construction History (p)
Garden History (p)
Georgia (o/d)
Georgia Backroads (p)
Georgia Historical Quarterly (o/d)
Getty Research Journal (o-a)
Good Housekeeping (1916- ) (o/d)
GT News (The Gardens Trust) (p)
Heritage and Sustainable Development (o)
Heritage Science (o)
Historic Environment (o/d with one-year embargo)
House Beautiful (p + microfilm)
Industrial Archaeology Review (o/d w/ one-year embargo)
The Inclusive Historian's Handbook (o)
International Journal of Architectural Heritage (o)
International Journal of Islamic Architecture (o)
Journal [DOCOMOMO] (o/d)
Journal of Architectural Conservation (o)
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts (o/d)
Journal of Glass Studies (o/d)
Journal of Planning History (o)
The Journal of Southern History (o/d)
Journal of the American Institute of Conservation (o w/ one-year embargo)
Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present (p)
Journal of the Institute of Conservation (o w/ 1-yr embargo)
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (o)
Journal of Urban Cultural Studies (o)
Journal of Urban History (o)
Landscape Architecture (p)
Landscape Journal (o)
The Magazine Antiques (o/d)
Manifest (p)
Material Culture (o/d)
Material Culture Review (o/d)
Metropolis (p)
Mortise & Tenon Magazine (p)
Newsletter / Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present (p)
Newsletter / The Society of Architectural Historians (o/d)
Newsletter / William Morris Society in the United States (o/d)
Nineteenth Century (Victorian Soc. / America) (o/d)
Old-House Journal (o/d)
Old Mill News (p)
Pioneer America Society Transactions: P.A.S.T. (o)
Places (o)
Popular Mechanics (o/d)
Preservation (p)
Preservation Briefs (o/d)
Preservation Connecticut News (o/d)
Preservation Education & Research (o/d)
The Public Historian (o)
The Rambler (GA Trust for Historic Preservation) (o/d)
Reflections (GA African American Historic Preservation Network) (o/d)
Road Notes: Society for Commercial Archaeology News (o/d)
SAH Archipedia (o-a)
SAH News: Newsletter of the Society of Architectural Historians (o/d)
Savannah Magazine (p)
SCA Journal (o/d)
Shavings [EAIA newsletter] (o/d)
Stained Glass (o/d)
Studies in Conservation (o)
Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review (p)
Useful and Beautiful : the Newsletter of the William Morris Society in the United States (o/d)
USModernist Magazine Library (o)
Vernacular Architecture (o)
Vernacular Architecture Newsletter (o/d)
The Victorian Quarterly (p)
West 86th: Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, & Material Culture (o)
Winterthur Portfolio (o)
Animation, Illustration & Sequential Art
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