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SCAD Libraries Periodicals: Art History
A list of print and electronic subscriptions available through SCAD Libraries
Animation, Illustration & Sequential Art
Architectural History & Preservation Design
Architecture & Urban Design
Art History
Cinema, Film & Television
Creative Business Leadership
Equestrian Studies
Fashion, Accessories, Beauty & Fragrance, & Luxury
Graphic Design
Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
Interior Design
Motion Media, Interactive & Gaming
Performing Arts, Production Design & Themed Entertainment
Visual Effects
Intellect Full eJournal Collection
Get Started with Some Popular Titles
Apollo (o/d)
Art in America (o/d)
Art Review (p)
Artforum International (p)
Frieze (o/d)
The Royal Academy Magazine: RA (p)
Get Started with Some Scholarly Journals
Antiquity (o)
The Art Bulletin (o/d)
Art History (o)
ARTmargins (o)
Latin American & Latinx Visual Culture (o)
October (o)
Oxford Art Journal (o)
Visual Resources: VR (o)
Non-Current Relevant Resources
American Antiquity (o/d)
American Archivist (o/d)
American Art Journal (o/d)
American Artist (o/d)
American Arts Quarterly (p)
American Indian Art Magazine (p)
An (Artists Newsletter) (p)
Ancient Mesoamerica (o/d)
Antiques (1952-1971) (p)
Antiquity (p)
Aramco World (Washington, DC) (1987-2000) (o/d)
Aramco World Magazine (1981-1987) (o/d)
The Archaeological Journal (o/d)
Archaeological Reports (o/d)
Archives of Asian Art (o/d)
Art + Auction (o/d)
Art and Australia (p)
Art & Design (p)
Art Criticism (p)
Art History (p)
Art International (Lugano) (p)
Art Issues (o/d)
Art on Paper (p)
Art Papers (1981-1998) (o/d)
Art Papers Magazine (o/d)
The Art Quarterly (p)
Arte al día Internacional : International Magazine of Latin American Art and Antiques (p)
Artforum (p)
Artibus Asiae (o)
Artibus et Historiae (o/d)
The Artist (p)
ARTnews (p)
Arts Asiatiques (o/d)
Artscanada (p)
Asian Art News (p)
Avant Garde (o)
The Biblical Archaeologist (microfilm)
The Biblical Archaeology Review (p)
Black Art (p)
Black Renaissance = Renaissance Noire (o/d)
Blake (o/d)
Bulletin - Georgia Museum of Art (p)
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (o/d)
Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts (p)
The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art (o/d)
The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs (o/d)
Canadian Art (p)
Ciel Variable (p)
Cimaise (o/d)
Circa (p)
Cleveland Studies in the History of Art (o/d)
College Art Journal (o/d)
Computers and the History of Art (p)
Conniassance des Arts (Paris) (p)
The Connoisseur (p)
Country Life (p)
Eighteenth-Century Studies (o/d)
Elephant (o/d)
Folk Art (p)
Gazette des Beaux-Arts (o/d)
Helicon Nine (o/d)
Heresies (o/d)
High Performance (p)
Horizon (p)
Inuit Art Quarterly (p)
Irish Arts Review (p)
J. Paul Getty Museum Journal (o)
Jewish Art (p)
Journal of Asian Studies (o/d)
Journal of Canadian Art History (o/d)
Journal of Hellenic Studies (o/d)
Journal of Jewish Art (p)
Journal of Roman Archaeology (p)
Journal of Roman Studies (o)
Journal of the History of Collections (o/d)
Journal of the Walters Art Gallery (o)
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (o)
The Journal of the William Morris Society (o/d)
Konsthistorisk Tidskrift / Journal of Art History (o/d)
Kunst und Kirche (p)
Kunstchronik (o w/ 3-year embargo)
Kunstforum International (p)
Latin American Art (p)
Master Drawings (o/d)
Museum Management and Curatorship (o/d)
Museum News (p)
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston) (o/d)
Museum Studies (o/d)
National Museum of the American Indian (o/d)
Native Peoples (o/d)
Near Eastern Archaeology (o/d)
New Art Examiner (o/d)
New Observations (p)
Newsletter of the William Morris Society in the United States (o/d)
On Paper: The Journal of Prints, Drawings and Photography (p)
Oriental Art (p)
Outsider (p)
Parachute (o/d)
Parkett (p)
Public Art Review (o/d)
RACAR: Revue d'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review (p)
Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University (o)
Res (p)
Revue de l'Art (p)
Saudi Aramco World (2000-2014) (o/d)
Sculpture Review (p)
Simiolus (o)
Source: Notes in the History of Art (p)
Southeastern College Art Conference Review (o/d)
Tate: The Art Magazine (p)
Third Text (p)
Visual Arts Research (o/d)
Word & Image (o/d)
World Sculpture News (p)
XXe Siècle (p)
Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (o/d)
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte (o/d)
Current Relevant Resources
o = online/eJournal // p = print // o/d = print also online via database
Aesthetica (o/d)
African Arts (o)
Afterall (o)
Afterimage (o/d)
American Art (o)
American Art Review (p)
American Indian (o/d)
American Indian Culture and Research Journal (o/d)
Antiquity (o)
Apollo (o/d)
Aramco World (o/d)
Archaeology (o/d)
Archives of American Art Journal (o w/ 1-yr embargo)
Ars Judica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art (o/d)
Ars Orientalis (o/d)
Art & Antiques (p)
Art & The Public Sphere (o)
Art, Antiquity and Law (o/d)
The Art Bulletin (o/d)
Art History (o)
Art in America (o/d)
Art Inquiries [SECAC] (o/d)
Art Journal (o/d)
Art Journal Open (o)
Art Monthly (o/d)
Art Newspaper (o/d)
Art Nexus (p)
Art Press (o/d)
Art Review (p)
Artes de Mexico (p)
Artforum International (p)
ARTmargins (o)
Arts of Asia (p)
Beaux Arts Magazine (o/d)
Bomb (o/d)
British Art Studies (o)
British Journal of Aesthetics (o)
The Burlington Magazine (p)
C: International Contemporary Art (o/d) (o)
Cabinet (p)
Carnegie (o/d)
Critical Inquiry (o)
Curator (o w/ one-year embargo)
DAMn (p)
Dumbarton Oaks Papers (o/d)
Empirical Studies of the Arts (o)
Esse (p)
First American Art Magazine (p)
Flash Art International (o/d)
FMR (p)
Forward [formerly: Public Art Review] (o)
Frieze (o/d)
Gesta (o)
Gesta (p)
Getty Research Journal (o-a)
Goya (o/d)
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (o/d)
Grey Room (o)
Hesperia (o/d)
Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion (o/d)
Impact: Arts & Culture (Savannah, GA) (p)
Index of Medieval Art (o)
International Review of African American Art (p)
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (o)
Journal of Art Historiography (o)
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (o)
Journal of Contemporary Painting (o)
Journal of Curatorial Studies (o)
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts (o/d)
Journal of Glass Studies (o/d)
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art (o)
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (p)
Journal of the American Institute of Conservation (o w/ one-year embargo)
Journal of Visual Culture (o)
Journal of the Walters Art Museum (o)
The Journal of William Morris Studies (o/d)
Koreana (o/d)
Latin American & Latinx Visual Culture (o)
Leonardo (o)
The Magazine Antiques (o/d)
Marg (o/d)
Metropolitan Museum Journal (o)
Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (o/d)
Museum (AAM) (p)
Museums Journal (p)
National Gallery Technical Bulletin (o/d)
The New Criterion (o/d)
Nineteenth Century (Victorian Soc. / America) (o/d)
Nineteenth Century Art Worldwide (o)
NKA: Journal of Contemporary African Art (o)
Object (London) (o/d)
October (o)
Orientations (p)
Oxford Art Journal (o)
Pacific Arts (o)
Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art (o)
Public (Toronto, Ont) (o)
Raw Vision (p)
Res (o)
The Royal Academy Magazine: RA (p)
RSA Journal (o/d)
The Rutgers Art Review (o/d)
Sculpture (o/d)
The Sculpture Journal (o/d)
Source: Notes in the History of Art (o)
Southwest Art (p)
Speculum: Journal of Medieval Studies (o)
Studies in Conservation (o)
Studies in Iconography (p)
Tate, etc (o/d)
Third Text (o)
Tribal Art (p)
Umeni (o/d)
Useful and Beautiful : the Newsletter of the William Morris Society in the United States (o/d)
Visual Resources: VR (o)
Visual Studies (o)
West 86th (o)
Winterthur Portfolio (o)
Woman's Art Journal (o/d)
Women in the Arts (p)
works & conversations (o)
World Archaeology (o w/ one-year embargo)
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art (o/d)
Architecture & Urban Design
Cinema, Film & Television >>