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SCAD Libraries Periodicals: Furniture
A list of print and electronic subscriptions available through SCAD Libraries
Animation, Illustration & Sequential Art
Architectural History & Preservation Design
Architecture & Urban Design
Art History
Cinema, Film & Television
Creative Business Leadership
Equestrian Studies
Fashion, Accessories, Beauty & Fragrance, & Luxury
Graphic Design
Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
Interior Design
Motion Media, Interactive & Gaming
Performing Arts, Production Design & Themed Entertainment
Visual Effects
Intellect Full eJournal Collection
Get Started with Some Popular Titles
FDMC (p)
Fine Woodworking (p)
Furniture and Cabinetmaking (p)
Metropolis (p)
Popular Woodworking (p)
Get Started with Some Scholarly Journals
Ergonomics in Design (o)
Furniture History (p)
Journal of Design History (o)
Journal of Modern Craft (o)
West 86th (o)
Winterthur Portfolio (o)
Non-Current Relevant Resources
American Bungalow (p)
The American Home (p)
American Style (p)
American Woodturner (p)
American Woodworker (p)
Antiques (1952-1971) (p)
Arts & Architecture (p)
Blueprint (p)
Boutique Design (o/d)
Cabinetmaker + FDM (p)
Contract (o/d)
Contract Design (p)
Design Quarterly: DQ (Australia) (p)
Design: Retail (o/d)
Design 360 (p)
Design Week (o/d)
Echoes Magazine (p)
Fine Woodworking [1975-1993] (p)
Form (Germany) (p)
Form: Pioneering Design (o/d)
Home Furnishings (p)
Home Furnishings Merchandising (p)
House and Home (o/d)
ID: Magazine of International Design (p)
Interni (p)
Mix (p)
The Modernism Magazine (p)
Modo (p)
Object (o/d)
Old-House Interiors (o/d)
Ottagono (p)
Prodesign (p)
Scandinavian Journal of Design History (p)
Surface (p)
Victorian Homes (p)
Woodwork (p)
Woodworker's Journal (p)
Woodworking & Furniture Digest (p)
Zoo (p)
Current Relevant Resources
o = online/eJournal // p = print // o/d = print also online via database
Abitare (p)
American Craft (o/d)
American Furniture (o/d)
Apartamento (p)
Applied Ergonomics (o)
Architectural Digest (o/d)
Art & Antiques (p)
Art & Decoration (p)
Art Aurea (p)
Atomic Ranch (o/d)
Axis (Tokyo) (p)
Azure (p)
Better Homes and Gardens Wood (p)
Casual Living (o)
DAMn (p)
Design and Culture (o)
Design Issues (o)
Design Management Review (o/d)
Design Solutions (o)
Design Studies (o)
Designers Today (o)
Designing: The Design and Technology Magazine for Schools, Colleges and Universities (p)
Domus (p)
Dwell (p)
Elle Décor (p)
Ergonomics in Design (o)
FDMC (p)
Fine Woodworking (Taunton's Fine Woodworking) [1993-present] (p)
Form (Sweden) (p)
Frame (o/d)
Furniture and Cabinetmaking (p)
Furniture History (p)
Furniture / Today (o/d)
Furniture World (o)
FX (p)
Galerie (p)
Habitus (Australia) (p)
Home Accents Today (o)
Home Cultures (o)
Home Furnishings Business (o)
Home Textiles Today (o/d)
Hospitality Design (o/d)
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (o)
Icon (o/d)
Indesign (Australia) (p)
Innovation (p)
Interior Design (o/d)
Interiors (o/d)
Intramuros (France) (p)
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts (o/d)
Journal of Design History (o)
Journal of Early Southern Decorative Arts (o)
Journal of Modern Craft (o)
Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present (p)
Luxe: Interiors + Design (p)
Macguffin (p)
The Magazine Antiques (o/d)
MD (Germany) (p)
Metropolis (p)
Mortise & Tenon Magazine (p)
Newdesign (p)
Newsletter / Furniture History Society (p)
Popular Mechanics (o/d)
Popular Woodworking (absorbed: American Woodworker) (p)
Veranda (p)
Wallpaper (p)
West 86th: Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, & Material Culture (o)
Winterthur Portfolio (o)
Woodshop News (p)
World of Interiors (p)
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