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Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
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SCAD Libraries Periodicals: Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
A list of print and electronic subscriptions available through SCAD Libraries
Animation, Illustration & Sequential Art
Architectural History & Preservation Design
Architecture & Urban Design
Art History
Cinema, Film & Television
Creative Business Leadership
Equestrian Studies
Fashion, Accessories, Beauty & Fragrance, & Luxury
Graphic Design
Industrial Design, Service Design, Design Mgmt & UX
Interior Design
Motion Media, Interactive & Gaming
Performing Arts, Production Design & Themed Entertainment
Visual Effects
Intellect Full eJournal Collection
Get Started with Some Popular Titles
Auto & Design (p)
Form (Sweden) (p)
Graphis Journal (p)
Innovation : The Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America (p w/online archives)
Newdesign (p)
T3: Tomorrow's Technology Today (p)
The Toy Book (o/d)
Get Started with Some Scholarly Journals
Applied Ergonomics (o)
CoDesign (o)
Design Issues (o)
Design Journal (o)
Human Factors (o)
Journal of Design History (o)
Journal of Service Research (o)
Non-Current Relevant Resources
@issue (o/d)
Ambidextrous (p)
American Heritage of Invention & Technology (p)
Applied Ergonomics (p)
Automobile Magazine (p)
Automobile Quarterly (p)
Automotive Design & Production (o)
Blueprint (p)
Boatbuilder (p)
BXP Magazine: Brand Experience (p)
Car Styling (p)
Design (London) (p)
Design DK (p)
Design Management Journal (o/d)
Design Management Review (o/d)
Design News (p)
Design Quarterly (o/d)
Design Quarterly: DQ (Australia) (p)
Design 360 (p)
Design Week (o/d)
Designmatters (p)
Form (Germany) (p)
Form Function Finland (p)
Form: Pioneering Design (o/d)
ID: Magazine of International Design (p)
Industrial Design (p)
Industrial Design Magazine: ID (p)
The Journal of Sustainable Product Design: Archive (o)
Macformat (p)
Mix (p)
Modo (p)
National Design Journal (Cooper-Hewitt) (p)
Ottagono (p)
Popular Mechanics (1902-1913) (microfilm)
Popular Mechanics Magazine (1913-1959) (microfilm)
Prodesign (p)
Road & Track (p)
Scandinavian Journal of Design History (p)
Surface (p)
Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design (p)
Works That Work (p)
Current Relevant Resources
o = online/eJournal // p = print // o/d = print also online via database
Abitare (p)
American Journal of Play (o)
Analog Game Studies (o)
Applied Ergonomics (o)
l'Arca International (p)
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice (o)
Auto & Design (p)
Axis (Tokyo) (p)
Azure (p)
Boat International (p)
BranD : International Brand Design Magazine (p)
Car and Driver (p)
CoDesign (o)
DAMn (p)
Design and Culture (o)
Design and Technology Education: An International Journal (o)
Design For Health (o)
Design Issues (o)
Design Journal (o)
Design Journal (Cooper Hewitt) (o)
Design News (o/d)
Design Studies (o)
Designing: The Design and Technology Magazine for Schools, Colleges and Universities (p)
Discover (o/d)
Diversity in Steam (o/d)
Domus (p)
Dwell (p)
Ergonomics in Design (o)
Fast Company (o/d)
Form (Sweden) (p)
Formakademisk (o)
Frame (o/d)
FX (p)
Gear Patrol (p)
Graphis Journal (p)
Habitus (Australia) (p)
Harvard Business Review (o/d)
Highsnobiety (p)
Hospitality Design (o/d)
Human Factors (o)
Icon (o/d)
Indesign (Australia) (p)
Information Design Journal: IDJ (o/d)
Innovation : The Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America (p w/online archives)
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture (o)
International Journal of Design (o)
International Journal of Maritime Technology (o)
Intramuros (France) (p)
Journal of Consumer Research (o/d)
The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts (o/d)
Journal of Design, Business and Society (o)
Journal of Design History (o)
Journal of Glass Studies (o/d)
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (o)
Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering (o)
Journal of Service Research (o)
Journal of User Experience (o-a)
Lighting Design + Application: LD+A (o/d)
Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption (o)
Luxury Studies: The In Pursuit of Luxury Journal (o)
MacGuffin (p)
Machine Design (o/d)
Make: Technology on Your Time (p)
MD (p)
Metropolis (p)
Modern Machine Shop (o)
MoldMaking Technology (o)
Motor Trend (o/d)
Newdesign (p)
Plastics Technology (o)
Popular Mechanics (o/d)
Professional Boatbuilder (p)
Quirk's Marketing Research Review (o/d)
The Robb Report (p)
RSA Journal (o/d)
Sail (o/d)
Scientific American (o/d)
Smithsonian (o/d)
SuperYacht Industy (o)
T3: Tomorrow's Technology Today (p)
Technology Review (o/d)
Temes de Disseny (o/d)
The Toy Book (o/d)
Wallpaper (p)
Wired (p)
Woodshop News (p)
Graphic Design
Interior Design >>