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SCAD Library Atlanta Special Collections


This guide will help you research and access the fine art print collection in the SCAD Libraries - Atlanta.


The SCAD Library Atlanta Print Collection primarily consists of contemporary works on paper with a collecting focus on work created at SCAD and within the larger Southeastern community. The collection began with prints produced by visiting artists in collaboration with the SCAD Printmaking Department’s faculty and students starting in 2000, under the imprint Southeastern Center for Printmaking. Editions are produced at the Atlanta, Savannah, and Lacoste SCAD campuses. 

The SCAD LibraryAtlanta Print Collection continues to grow with the most recent acquisition being 15 Southern Graphics Council (SGC) International exchange portfolios acquired when SCAD served as a hosting institution for the SGC International 2017 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Professor Robert Brown, Chair of the SCAD Atlanta Printmaking department, discusses working with Kiki Smith and Valerie Hammond on prints at SCAD's Lacoste location.

A final copy of Kiki Smith's book "Color Noise", with in progress printing samples below.