Free website documenting Gerogia's history and culture. To find Video, Browse by Media Type > Visual Works > Moving Images, or search by keyword and narrow by Media Type.
Links to 1,100+ free online movies including classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of the greatest actors, actresses and directors.
Streaming options from Public Broadcasting Service television shows; includes news, science, educational, documentary, history, drama and more.
A free multi-media art history e-textbook covering major styles, themes and artists, in western and non-western cultures, from ancient to contemporary. Videos are embedded throughout the website, or stand alone on the Youtube channel linked here.
Resources from the Smithsonian's museums, archives and libraries. For video content, search by keyword, then limit results to 'Online Media = Video Recordings.'
Over 1000 hours of continually–updated videos of architecture and design lectures, symposia and events featuring the most significant voices in architecture since 1974
Independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts. Works are available for educational, noncommercial use only.